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Mixed Reality project

A fusion of technology and theater you have never seen before.

Theater maker, Writer, Creator/Artist

Game Designer, Narrative Designer

Game Designer, Level Designer

3D Environment Artist

 3D Artist


Computer Scientist, Developer

Robin Krijgsman

Myrna Min

Joris Dingelstad

Youri Hoek

Randy Paulus

Pepijn Kok

John Krijger

17:15 - Talk about our performance JUNK
18:00 - Q&A
19:30 - Education in VR from a student perspective

Livestream at the end of the page.

In this project our work involved a lot of performative research about how we can combine the physical world with Virtual Reality to bring them together in ground breaking ways.

We did this in the platform Neos VR. The first half of our project we spent on smaller experiments to research multiple areas within Mixed Reality.

Besides that, we also build an exhibition to showcase all of the experiments and our findings, in the hope to inspire people to do more with Mixed Reality.

The second half of our project we build our theatrical performance JUNK, in which we use all our findings from the experiments to bring different audience layers and realities together.

Refresh the page around the time the stream starts to be able to see the stream

Myrna Send a chat message to chat with us!
Randy Hello
Lotte Hi! hij doet het
Luuk Hi!
Len Hello :D
Julia heyy
Robin Krijgsman Hey hey!
Randy Howdy
Bram yess ik kan chatten nu
Lotte Leuk dat je gaat presenteren Pepijn!
Joris Hallo allemaal
Randy Hihi
Marilla Cool! New worlds! Immersive
Lotte *you
Marilla Which experience design did you find the most impactful?
Lotte There is a delay on your side i think. We do see the messages earlier
Ruffus Did you encounter any walls with this project and how did you to overcome them?
Lotte What are most proud of at the end of the project?
Len What was the most enjoyable part of this project for you??
Randy Will you continue working on the performance, now that the project has concluded for the HKU?
Marilla Sounds amazing. Connecting both worlds and allowing them to feel these different experiences. Yes. Thanks for answering.
Luuk Sounds very interesting! I am very curious about the exhibition :)
Randy Aaaw Myrna is great people too <3
Bram Sounds like a crazy process, getting curious about that exhibition too
Judith Min How was it to work with such great people?
Randy @Bram You did the Peformance right?
Bram @Randy yesyes, sorry was even naar een andere aant kijken. Ik dacht dat die exhibition iets anders was?
Bram of tenminste dat je daar meer proces kon zien
Youri Oh no
Youri Yay he's back
Robin Krijgsman what disciplines of art & games do you most recommend to check out NEOSVR?
Randy You mentioned Logix is the coding Language node based or do you have to write the code yourself?
Myrna Als je de pagina refreshed is hij er weer
Robin Krijgsman Die is inderdaad anders
Myrna Haha lekker joris
Randy Koffie
Randy ew
Robin Krijgsman Dat is echt proces gericht, met documentatie en video verslagen
Myrna Oh oh
Myrna Voor degene, die niet snappen waarom de stream het nu niet doet, Joris heeft koffie over zijn laptop heen gegooid, als het goed is is hij er over een minuut of 2 weer
Bram ah cool
Myrna @bram, klopt, sorry als dat niet duidelijk was. In onze exhibition hebben we al onze experimenten en proces daarin ten toon gesteld met meteen terugkoppeling hoe de resultaten terug komen in JUNK of latere experimenten.
Randy What happened
Randy handemoji
Randy @Youri you here?
Robin Krijgsman Koffie pauze?
Youri si
Youri Which part of the project was in your opinion the most fun to work on?
Robin Krijgsman Which art do you like most?
Randy :3
Myrna Deep dive into working with neos
Joris Wordt dit weer een live-in-VR presentatie? :D
Joris Yes hij is terug
Robin Krijgsman Het is dat hand ding
Youri Ff refreshen om het te fixen
Viktor Question: who got the biggest VR hangover after working to long in VR?
Youri Woah nice
Myrna All the important people are here
Youri Yesss all good
Robin Krijgsman int = 0
Robin Krijgsman Sad dumb DnD character
Myrna Dat is Pepijn Kok onze developer live vanuit neos
Niels ik herkende de stem ergens al hehe
Youri nooooooooo
Robin Krijgsman yeaah we zijn er weer
Robin Krijgsman Speaking as a theatre student
Youri Definitely
Youri Whaha
Viktor Frans
Viktor its alive again!
Robin Krijgsman Thats a big yes from me aswell
John Only for prototyping
Viktor Hoi ik ben binnen
Robin Krijgsman in binaire code?
Niels Ik ben in de war, wie is ATLASTITANIUM ? :S
Niels cool
Robin Krijgsman ik wilde het geweer zien ):
Robin Krijgsman Show me something cool Pepijn
Robin Krijgsman test streams best streams
Viktor Nice bow tie
Joris Oof, de echte barbarian experience
Claire ;'(
Joris Kan je chat ook zien?
Robin Krijgsman Pepijn
Robin Krijgsman De developer van dit project
Joris Noo de stream is voor mij weg
Myrna Noo
Niels nooooo
Claire nooooo
Robin Krijgsman Ja
Joris Je was de gun arm aan het showcasen
Niels don't worry about it pepijn
Youri Yes
Youri Sort of
Joris Don't worry about the time, it's fine
Viktor It is working here [19:51]
Robin Krijgsman Ha
Myrna Hell yeah
Myrna It easy to learn with a lot of help from the community and so easy for designers, artists and developers
Viktor Nice!
Viktor Dank Pepijn!
Niels Thanks Pepijn!
Randy Youri
Randy I have
Robin Krijgsman Haha randy i remember you vomitting during a meeting
Viktor Lol
julia thx that was fun
Randy Ssssssssh
Myrna Yeah including headaches and everything
Randy That was our secret
Viktor What was it like when working in the morning in Neos and than after having to communicatie in Discord? Was that weird of nice or frustrating?
Myrna We have some delay, if he doesn't read the question we will answer it
Robin Krijgsman It depends on what you're going to talk about, if its about what youve created, ofcourse youd prefer to show it in NEOS
Robin Krijgsman For me, I liked the switching, going back to seeing each others real life faces
Viktor Can imaging the mixed feeling bodily immersion with Robo Face versus digital Meatfase communication
Myrna After a long time VR could get tiering and discord was like the more relaxed version, but not as motivational for me most of the times
Randy NGL kinda looks like a car
Myrna And you do get his excitement through neos
Robin Krijgsman Exactly, like here, i do miss seeing pepijns facial movements, but his body movements add another form of communication as well
Viktor His body movements are indeed also very authentic
Viktor lovin'it
Viktor Whaaaaaaat a second hallway..... shiiiiiiit
Viktor its got its own personality
Randy Typical Peppin fashion
Myrna Mijn vriend ligt ook helemaal vlak
Randy Wat nou Netflix, dit is toch veel beter
Robin Krijgsman Im glad i had experience with Game Design and creating digital plays in Unity
Robin Krijgsman So it went well
Viktor Peppin is really Poppin
Randy Hahaha
Robin Krijgsman Even though i really left all the hard programming and coding for pepijn
Viktor 'Kijk naar mijn schip" lmfao
Robin Krijgsman little kid shows off toy spaceship to imaginary friends
Robin Krijgsman Have a good night
Viktor How did the interfacing go with the theater folks?
Robin Krijgsman communication is just super easy, as you dont have to thoroughly explain each step of creation. Being in VR and NEOS makes it so youre always able to show what you mean, what you made and how you want to incorporate it into the world
Viktor *Waves* Have a good one en hopelijk tot snel allemaal!
Robin Krijgsman Cheers!

Interested in the project and our processes?

We've built an entire exhibition to showcase all our work and design.

If you'd like to visit, download NEOSVR and find the MR Expo: HKU Creator Room world!

If you'd like further information or need help with the exhibition, send one of us an e-mail and we'll help.

games en interactie mixed reality performance research showcase
